Coldwater Implement: Introducing The Convert-A Bull Hay Saver Insert To Help You Save $$ By Helping You |
Convert-A-Bull Hay Saver InsertU.S. PATENT #6,672,247
The convert-A-Bull fits universally over 8' diameter bale feeders and funnels hay to the center for maximum feed savings. It also prevents spoilage by keeping the hay off the ground, and in turn cattle consume the entire bale without waste or build up.
Side-by-side field tests show the comparison between the new Convert-A-Bull feeder insert and the conventional feeder. Nine cows per feeder for three days. Field tests show up to a 25% feed savings.
You be the judge! It's your hay, and your money to
save! |
Dealer Inquiries Welcome! We are the distributor for Convert-A-Bull in Ohio & Indiana We are looking for dealers in these States
100 Hardin Street Coldwater, Ohio
North of Coldwater, Ohio at the intersection of St. Rt. 118 and Hardin Street
Phone 419-678-3031 Fax 419-678-8252